Green Mountain Animal Defenders (GMAD) opposes all forms of animal exploitation including the use of animals used as entertainment, experimentation, food, or apparel. GMAD encourages all people to show their compassion for animals by educating themselves and others, making humane choices, and taking other actions that improve the well-being of animals.
Each year we host and participate in a variety of promotional events throughout Vermont.
Support to Animals in Need
We provide direct animal assistance by responding to calls, giving referrals, mobilizing community members, organizing animal transport and rehabilitation, and coordinating care. In urgent animal rescue situations, we rally our members and support other animal protection organizations through donations.
Below are listed the projects and campaigns we are currently running. We welcome your participation in them.
Spay and Neuter
Spay and neuter programs are the most effective way to reduce pet homelessness. We educate the public and subsidize hundreds of dog and cat spays and neuters each year.
Lost Pet Project
We receive numerous inquiries from people who have lost or found a pet. In response we offer advice through our lost pet guide and alert our vast membership via e-mail and our Facebook page.
Support to Animals in Need
We provide direct animal assistance by responding to calls, giving referrals, mobilizing community members, organizing animal transport and rehabilitation, and coordinating care. In urgent animal rescue situations, we rally our members and support other animal welfare organizations through matching donations.
Providing All-Weather Shelter (PAWS) Project
We bring needed shelter to dogs who live outdoors. Although having a dog live outside is not a violation of any Vermont cruelty laws as long as the animal's basic needs are being met, we do not consider this appropriate care. We therefore seek to provide comfort to these dogs by providing them with doghouses to protect them from harsh weather. We are also now providing shelters for outdoor cats.
Baby Chick Rescue
In an effort to save the lives of sick or injured hatchlings that stores no longer have a use for, we discreetly rescue them and offer refuge. These hatchlings need transportation, medical care, and permanent homes.
Animals in Entertainment
We speak up for animals exploited and abused in rodeos, circuses, racetracks, traveling animal acts, and blood sports such as cockfighting. Each year our Fair Committee encourages fairs throughout Vermont to replace animal acts with humane alternatives. We in addition visit fairs to check for signs of neglect.
Wildlife in Need Network
The Network supports wildlife rehabilitators in Vermont by funding trainings and providing cages, medication, food and other life-saving supplies. We in addition provide information and referrals to the public on how to help injured or abandoned wildlife or find humane ways to deal with human / wildlife conflicts.
No Fois Gras
In an effort to encourage local restaurants to eliminate fois gras from their menus, we have instituted a letter-writing campaign.
Each year we host and participate in a variety of promotional events throughout Vermont.
Animals Used in Apparel
We expose the inherent cruelty of using fur, leather, exotic skins, feathers, etc. in fashion through demonstrations, letter-writing campaigns, and outreach events. We ask retailers to reconsider selling fur and inform our members of humane shopping choices.
One of the ways in which Green Mountain Animal Defenders advocates for animals is by educating our members and the general public about Vermont and federal legislation that affects animals.
We encourage everyone to share their thoughts about pending legislation that would affect the well-being of animals with their government representatives.
Tips for advocating for animals:
Animal Legal Defense Fund's Tips HSUS Advocate Toolkit, which includes:
Interested in attending Humane Lobby Day in Montpelier, VT?
Contact The Humane Society of the US or like the HSUS - Vermont Facebook page.