Below is a list of selected current and recent Vermont legislation related to animals. Additional information is available from the Vermont LegislatureAnimal Legal & Historical Center, and Humane Society of the United States.

House of Representatives

Title: An act relating to the taking of endangered or threatened species
Bill Number: H. 26
GMAD's Position: Oppose
Description: This bill proposes to establish a process under which the Commissioner of Fish and Wildlife may issue a permit for the incidental taking of a threatened or endangered species.
Status: Referred to Committee on Fish, Wildlife & Water Resources
Take Action: Contact committee members to ask them to oppose

Title: An act relating to the possession, sale, and distribution of shark fins
Bill Number: H. 122
GMAD's Position: Support
Description: This bill proposes to prohibit the possession, sale, offer for sale, trade, or distribution of shark fins. Click here for more information on this issue.

Status: Referred to Committee on Fish, Wildlife & Water Resources
Take Action: Contact committee members to ask them to oppose

Title: An act relating to adequate shelter for dogs housed outdoors
Bill Number: H. 164
GMAD's Position: Support
Description: This bill proposes to amend the requirements for the sheltering of dogs, including the requirement of building materials with a thermal resistance factor of 0.9 or greater and bedding sufficient to retain a dog’s normal body heat.
Status: Referred to Committee on Agriculture and Forest Products
Take Action: Contact committee members to ask them to support


Title: An act relating to docking the tail of a bovine
Bill Number: S. 22
GMAD's Position: Support
Description: This bill proposes to prohibit the procedure of docking the tail of a bovine unless the tail docking procedure is performed by a veterinarian in order to relieve pain or save the life of the bovine. Click here for more information on this issue.
Status: Referred to the Committee on Agriculture

Title: An act relating to forfeiture of property associated with an animal fighting exhibition
Bill Number: S. 102
GMAD's Position: Support
Description: This bill proposes to create a process for asset forfeiture for persons convicted of using animals in animal fights
Status: Referred to Judiciary Committee

Past Successes

Title: An Act Relating to Civil Forfeiture Proceedings in Cases of Animal Cruelty
Bill Number: S. 237
GMAD's Position: Oppose
Description: This bill proposes to revise the civil forfeiture proceedings concerning an animal seized due to alleged abuse. Click here for more information on this issue.
Status: Passed!


Below is a list of selected current and recent federal legislation related to animals. Additional information is available from the United States SenateUnited States House of legislation search page and GovTrack.

Title: Sportsmen's Act
Bill Number: S. 1996
GMAD's Position: Oppose
Description: To "open millions of acres of public hunting and trapping, at the expense of other land users and endangered and threatened species. It would prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from even considering the issue of toxic lead ammunition which poisons wildlife and the environment. It would permit the latest in a series of import allowances for sport-hunted polar bear trophies from Canada, encouraging trophy hunters to escalate the killing of threatened species around the globe." (HSUS)

Title: The Humane Cosmetics Act
Bill Number: H.R. 4148
GMAD's Position: Support
Description: To phase out cosmetic animal testing and the sale of cosmetics tested on animals.

Title: Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act
Bill Number: H.R. 366
GMAD's Position: Support
Description: Establishes misdemeanor penalties for knowingly attending an animal fighting event and bringing a child under 18 years old to such an event.

Title: Egg Products Inspection Act Amendments of 2013
Bill Number: H.R. 1731 / S. 820
GMAD's Position: Support
Description: Revises current law regarding housing and treatment of egg-laying hens and related enforcement provisions.

Title: Safeguard American Food Exports Act of 2013
Bill Number: H.R. 1094 / S. 541
GMAD's Position: Support
Description: To prohibit the sale or transport of equines and equine parts in interstate or foreign commerce for human consumption.

Title: The Pet Safety and Protection Act
Bill Number: H.R. 2224
GMAD's Position: Support
Description: To amend the Animal Welfare Act to ensure that all dogs and cats used by research facilities are obtained legally.

Title: The Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act
Bill Number: H.R. 1518
GMAD's Position: Support
Description: To amend the Horse Protection Act to designate additional unlawful acts under the Act, strengthen penalties for violations of the Act, improve Department of Agriculture enforcement of the Act, and for other purposes.